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Mabon: The Autumnal Equinox
Mabon happens on (or around) the autumnal equinox, usually around September 22nd. It is the second of three harvest festivals: Lughnasadh, harvesting wheats and grains being the first in August. Mabon occurs in September, harvesting gourds, pumpkins and apples. The third and most widely known harvest sabbat is Samhain, which is more commonly known and celebrated as Halloween. Samhain is the harvest of remaining apples, root vegetables, nuts and berries in October. This middle harvest, Mabon, is often referred to as the "witches thanksgiving" since it celebrates the abundance of the past year with a feast. It is a good time to set intentions for things you want less of in your life, to let go of as the life dies off and the winter months approach.
Witchcraft Secrecy: power, benefits & when I use it
Today we're here to talk about what I don't talk about! The benefits of secrecy when it comes to your magickal practice.
Big ol' disclaimer: as always, this is just my personal preference and I am just telling you what has worked for me and what my experience is and as always you can take from it what you want. If this is something that you're like "that's not for me" that is totally valid. If it resonates with you, great! And if you learn that it's not for you, also great! Either way, I hope that you get something out of it. So let's begin!