A Witch's Herbal Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

I love nature. I really do. Which is why it is so unfortunate that about twice a year, I get hit really hard with seasonal allergies. Thankfully, with plenty of research as both a crazy plant lady and a witch, I've found mother earth still has plenty of healing properties and natural resources I can turn to for easing my sneezing. So of course, I've turned a few of my natural remedies into my own little self-care spells.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle is a natural anti-inflammatory, and probably the most effective natural anti-allergy that I've tried. The "sting" of its' name comes from tiny hollow hairs the leaves, which causes a burning skin irritation if you come in contact with it. Don't worry though! Unless you're growing and harvesting yourself, it is sting-free and safe after it is processed.

You'll find it most commonly as a tea. Make sure your cup or teapot is covered as it steeps so all the good stuff doesn't escape with the steam!

I'm not going to lie, the flavor of nettle tea on its' own is a little weird and grassy. It's not the worst thing I've ever tasted, and it can be improved! My nettle tea ritual includes adding some honey or other natural sweetener. This plant's most common magickal attribute is protection, so kindly ask it to protect you from what ails you. Stir anti-clockwise (sending AWAY the allergies) and mentally repeat "Blessed Nettle, my allergies are settled." and of course, don't forget to say thanks.


Garlic may help seasonal allergies by reducing sinus pressure and boosting the immune system. Fresh cut garlic makes allicin - that's the good stuff that you want to get for your allergies. However, heat can deactivate its' benefits. For the best results, add a clove or more of fresh, un-cooked, chopped or crushed garlic to your meal. Garlic's magickal properties include home protection and warding off negative spirits. I guess ghosts aren't big fans of garlic breath either!

Turmeric + Black Pepper

Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and can help lessen the severity of allergy symptoms. Unfortunately, it doesn't absorb into the bloodstream very well, and you'd have to consume quite a bit of it to really benefit from it alone. Pairing it with black pepper can help enhance its' benefits. Black pepper contains piperine, which can boost the curcumin absorption and help reduce headaches too. Magickally, turmeric and black pepper are both good for banishment, so go ahead and banish those allergies!


Ginger, another anti-inflammatory, comes from the same plant family as turmeric. The main bioactive compound in it is gingerol, which is where many of the medicinal qualities of ginger come from. Along with helping ease the symptoms of seasonal allergies, it may also help reduce nausea, soreness and menstrual pain, lower blood pressure, and even help fight off colds and flus!

Ginger's is great for magickal protection. It is also added to spells for love or success to give it a little "heat" as an added boost!

Below I've included a recipe for a golden milk latte. I picked it because it combines the powers of ginger, turmeric and black pepper into one tasty healing drink! The below measurements are really just a rough draft. Whenever I make this, I basically wing it, adding in a dash here and a sprinkle there with no real measurements, and then adjust it to taste. I suggest

Golden Milk Latte

You'll find many variations of this Ayurvedic recipe online, which combines the natural medicinal properties of the ingredients to fight inflammation and boost the immune system.

  • 1 Cup Coconut Milk

  • 1/2 tsp Honey, Agave or Maple Syrup

  • 1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp Ground Turmeric

  • 1/2 tsp Ground or Fresh Ginger Root

  • 1/4 tsp Vanilla

  • 1 Small Pinch Black Pepper

  1. HOT: Heat all ingredients in a small pot on the stove until nearly boiling.

  2. COLD: Add ingredients into a shaker of ice. Shake it up and serve!

  3. Stir anti-clockwise (widdershins) to send away your allergies, stomach troubles, or other ailments.

  4. Modify the ingredients as desired! You can add more or less of your sweetener, cinnamon or vanilla. You could add nutmeg or cardamom. Try a few things out to find your favorite version!


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