Celebrating Beltane at Home

Most of us are going to be staying inside at home when we hoped to be honoring Spring at festivals and celebrations with friends and family outside. All hope is not lost, we can still find plenty of ways to keep the spirit of the Spring season alive and celebrate Beltane at home!

Beltane is a Pagan festival traditionally held on May 1st (in the Northern Hemisphere). This is the cross-quarter day that is the midpoint between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. It is a celebration of abundance, fertility and the start of growing season!

Traditional activities for Beltane include May Poles, bonfires and dancing rituals. Since most of these celebrations will be inaccessible to us this year, here are some indoor alternatives to celebrate Beltane:

Mini Maypole Craft

If you have some craft supplies, you can make your own mini maypole. You can make one with a dowel, a broom handle, a stick, or whatever you have on hand!

I wrapped a bamboo grilling skewer with gold washi tape. The hoop is made of floral wire and floral tape. Then I tied a bunch of strings on it with embroidery floss (a.k.a. "craft cord" or "cotton floss"). I used these particular items because they were just things I happened to have on hand. You can get creative with it and use whatever you have that may work!

You could also make it with items like pipe cleaners, ribbons, chopsticks, sticks from your yard, or whatever else you can find and make work!


If you don't have a way to host your own "bonfire" (such as a backyard fire pit), you can simply light some candles to honor the tradition of the Beltane fire. Ideal candle colors would be red, orange, yellow or gold, but white or green will also suffice!

Still Dancing

Don't let being inside keep you from dancing! Set up your mini maypole and your candles. Open your windows up, feel a nice Spring breeze and dance dance dance!


If you have an outdoor garden space, an indoor herb garden or just some houseplants, spend some time tending to them! It is planting season, so plant away!


Decorate your house or altar space for Beltane with greens and yellows, candles, maypoles, fresh flowers and handmade Spring wreaths. Anything that evokes the energies of Spring/early Summer to you!


Baking or making foods with honey and/or seasonally fresh fruits and vegetables are a great way to celebrate Beltane at home. Pair your mini feast with juice or wine (like a honey wine or May Wine) and savor the flavors of the season!

Hosting a Digital Beltane Celebration

If you have a coven or just like-minded friends/family, you could still celebrate together by hosting a digital Beltane ritual or feast! For example, you could send out a list of what items you will be making to your “guest list” so they can make or obtain similar things and together you can have a video conference to cheers to Beltane!

How are you celebrating Beltane this year?


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