Coming Back From Witchcraft Burnout

So you burned the witch wick at both ends and got witchcraft burnout. Or maybe you just got too busy and stressed out from a combination of non-witchy life problems that you just stopped practicing for a while. It can happen to anyone - whether you're new to the craft or been at it for years.

To be open with you, I've bounced back from one myself recently. Here are a few of tips for getting yourself back to your witchy ways (without burning yourself out again out the gate!):

First, it's O.K. to take a break.

Sometimes we just need a break, that's all! There's nothing wrong with it, and you're not any less of a witch for putting a pause on your practice for a little bit. Think of it just like exercise regimes where you have "rest days." They are important for recouping and recovering your muscles, right? Well, sometimes so are rest periods for your magickal muscles too. Take some time off and then get back to it!

Self Care and Witchcraft can overlap!

Whether the burnout was caused by outside forces or the craft itself, you probably could use some you-time. There are a lot of common witchy practices that are also self care practices. Two birds, witches! Here are just a few examples:

  • Do a bath ritual

  • Meditate

  • Yoga

  • Take a walk in nature

  • Journaling (Maybe a spell journal, dream journal or a tarot journal!)

Simple Daily Divination

Rather than jumping straight back into complicated tarot spreads, start by doing a single-card draw (or a single rune draw) every day. Draw it first thing in the morning or right before bed for insight on the day ahead. It's a great way to get witchcraft back into your daily routine without taking too much of your time!

Get Inspired

Sometimes it just takes a spark of inspiration to make us want to jump back in! You might find inspiration by finding and reading a new witchcraft book, or listening to a witchy podcast. For visual inspiration, try searching Pinterest or Instagram for some inspiring images or new spells. And finally, what might feel like the most ridiculous but is truly the most effective for me: witch movies. Now, I know they aren't accurate to real life, but a lot of us were initially drawn to the craft after watching movies like The Craft. There's just something about popping on films like Practical Magic, The Witches of Eastwick, or even Hocus Pocus and Harry Potter that makes me want to dive back into my real magick!

Integrate Some "Lazy" Witchcraft into your Daily Routine

Don't feel like you have time to plan, prep and execute an elaborate ritual? Yeah, me either! That's why I'm a self-proclaimed Lazy Witch. Lazy Witchcraft (a.k.a. Everyday Witchcraft) is about finding ways to integrate witchcraft into your existing daily routine. You can read my post on it here.

How do you bounce back from burnout???


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