Witchcraft Altar & Ghost Room Tour!

I'm back from my disappearance from the YouTube-verse! My bedroom and den (a.k.a. the ghost room) have been remodeled, my stuff was messy and shuffled everywhere and I just didn't get to film. So, my first video back is a remodeled room tour, featuring my witchcraft altar and ghost room progress!

Of course, I forgot to grab before shots of either room until it was basically done (oops). The bedroom, previously all off-white, is now gray with matte black and gloss black striped accent walls. The ghost room was blue with Disney pixie dust accents, and is now gray with black and white Beetlejuice/Sephora stripe accent walls. If you've seen any of my previous videos, that blue room from before is now the ghost room. It definitely went through a transformation!

Both rooms aren't complete, but I'm pretty happy overall with them. Watch the video for a quick look at my vanity that doubles as my witchcraft altar, a more in-depth tour of the ghost room, a look at my oddities & taxidermy collection, a few stories and a few of my favorite things! After the video, scroll down for some photos.

If you want to watch more of my videos, check out my channel!


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