9 FREE Witchy Apps (and How I Use Them)

Our phones are an amazing tool with so many uses. Contact with others, keeping time, keeping calendars and commitments, news, music, entertainment, the list can go on and on. So of course it can be used as a tool for your magickal practice! Some of these might not seem inherently witchy apps, but they've certainly come in handy for my magickal practice! Here are the apps that I use on my phone for my practice and how I use them.

All of these apps at the time of me writing this post are available for free for iPhone. I'm not in any way affiliated with or getting paid to promote any of them. They're just some witchy apps that I actually use and wanted to share! Some do have in-app purchases to remove ads or unlock more features, but I have only been using the free features up to this point so I cannot speak to quality/worth of the paid ones. As for Android users, I haven't had one for a few years but I'm sure many if not all of these will have an Android version or alternative equivalent!


I have the standard, pre-downloaded to your iPhone Compass app. Some people are more naturally talented with keeping perfect direction. I am not always that person! I like to open my app up just to really ground and align myself with where I am and where I am facing, especially if I am going to do any circle casting or work with directions/corresponding elements.

The Moon

There are plenty of Moon Phase apps out there, I just happen to use this one! I work closely with the moon phase in my practice, and this app does help me plan ahead with some cool features, such as a full calendar view and what astrological sign the moon is/will be in.

Co-Star Astrology

If you're into astrology, you've probably heard about Co-Star by now. It's an AI-driven app that, with a little information from you, will tell you not just your Sun sign but all of your other planetary signs and their meanings too. Even if you aren't into astrology, it's just cool to know where all the planets were when/where you were born. If you can convince your friends to join it, you can add them and it will give you daily readings about your relationship too, along with weird additional notes like "put sand in your house and pretend you're at the beach" or "hold an emotional seance for each other." and it's hilarious and the best.

Labyrinthos Academy & Golden Thread Tarot

Both of these tarot apps were created by the same person/developer. Labyrinthos has reading functions but focuses on quick memory games to help you better familiarize yourself with the cards. Golden Thread focuses more on daily cards, digital readings and has a very clean meaning database to use if you are reading with physical cards instead. I have and use both! The tarot memory quizzes on Labyrinthos are fun refreshers if you're newer to the cards, and Golden Thread is great if you want to do digital readings on the go or want to pull up a specific card for its' meaning.


This might seem silly and boring to put on a witchy apps list, but I use the iPhone Notes app all the time. I also have a Macbook and I love that my Notes are connected so I can be writing up notes on my laptop and then switch to my iPhone to finish it on the go! It's great for grocery lists, to-do lists and writing down ideas. For my practice I like to write down positive affirmations so I have them in hand when I need them. I also like to plan my magick/spell work out by adding checklists of items/ingredients that I'll need, writing and perfecting incantations and taking notes about optimal dates, times and moon phases. I also use a lot of emojis because I think it's cute. That part is clearly optional.

Pagans & Witches Amino

Amino apps are basically forums for niche communities and the Pagans & Witches one is amazing. Of all the witchy apps on this list, this one is the most directly, literally witchy. Moderated by Pagans & Witches FOR Pagans & Witches, people from all paths post about their practices and experiences, there are great perspectives and thought pieces and it's a great way to connect with like-minded individuals! Every week the moderators post OWC (One Week Challenge) prompts to inspire a whole theme of new post ideas. If you want a magickal community, to share some of your practice or are just looking for some witchspiration, this is a great place to turn to. I'm mainly just a reader on there, but I do post on there from time to time if you want to find and follow me on there! Here's a link to my profile: http://aminoapps.com/p/td1k2v

Night Sky

Like the Compass app above, I like to open this app to familiarize myself with where I am and where the stars and planets are in relation to me. If you're looking at the sky and wonder "Is that a planet?" you can pop an app like this open that uses AR technology, turning your phone into a viewfinder to space! I like to use it when I'm looking for a particular planet or if I'm looking for where the moon is but it's covered by clouds or during a dark moon phase.


Calm is a meditation app. Some people like to use Headspace, which I've also used and liked before. Both have in-app purchases to unlock much more within it, but I've only ever used the free parts of the apps. I liked Calm in particular because of the "scenes" feature where you can select from a variety of soothing meditative sounds to choose from like crickets, waterfalls or forest ambiance (think wind rustling through trees). I like to pick a sound I find appealing and choose either the Timed or Open-Ended meditations. If you set a time, a soft bell will chime at the time you've selected. I find it a lot less jarring than a ringtone or alarm.

Meditation can be a helpful practice in witchcraft and magick. The key is to know what you want to get out of the meditation! You can use it to relax, ease stress/anxiety and let go of thoughts in a racing mind like many do, but it can also be used magickally to aid in visualization, direct intentions, practice controlled altered consciousness, astral projection, grounding, or whatever you'd like.

What witchy apps do you like to use in your practice? Let me know in the comments!


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