3 Ways to Cleanse Energy in Your Space

Many people know about smoke-cleansing, but there are actually a lot of different ways to cleanse energy in your home. All of these methods are just aids to materialize your intention of cleansing energy, guided either by focused internalized thought or a verbal mantra. I have a video on room cleansing - just apply it to the whole house! After the video, I have a pros and cons list for each of these methods so you can narrow down which might be best for you!

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1. Cleanse Energy with Smoke

Smoke cleansing is becoming increasingly popular in witches and non-witches alike. I've even seen cleansing herb bundles of sage, cedar and sweetgrass available in local supermarkets. One of my smoke cleansing preferences is actually rosemary, partially because of it's uses in ancient Greek practices and partially because my home garden has an abundance of it (saves me a lot of money!). Make sure your windows and doors are opened to allow proper ventilation and so all that energy has a place to go -- OUT!

Pros: Very effective. Great visual aid (you can basically see the energy being cleared!). Smells good, depending on the herb and your personal preference. Can be really affordable, especially if you grow the herbs yourself!

Cons:  Possible fire hazard. Possibility of getting burned. Smoke can be hard on lungs. Due to smell, not easy to keep a secret (if you're broom closeted).

Looking for more witchcraft smoke alternatives?

2. Cleanse Energy with Sound

Literally ring in the new year! Due to my asthma, I actually try to avoid smoke at certain times of year or during the colder months when I'm not so willing to open every door and run every fan. Since coming out of the broom closet, of my more recent go-to methods has been sound cleansing. I use bells, but you can also use drums, Tibetan singing bowls, or there are certain tracks you can play on your phone or home speakers that play cleansing frequencies.

Pros: Easy. Cost-efficient (as long as its' cared for, you only really need to buy a sound-cleanser once!).

Cons:  Loud. Especially if you are broom closeted and live with people that you don't want to know (and can't write it off as something else).

3. Cleanse Energy with Room Sprays

One of the most discreet cleansing methods uses special-made home cleansing sprays. It's not loud or invasive other than being scented, so it's great if you're broom closeted or if you just want to cleanse in less invasive, mellow way. They are often made with sage, but I've seen them with lots of different herbs as well. They can be mildly scented or super scented, so beware! Start with one spray and let that settle in for a few moments before you move on in case the scent is super strong. You could also try making room sprays yourself!

Pros: Easy. Lots of different room-scent options. Most discreet for the broom closeted or the witch that doesn't want to disturb others with cleansing!

Cons:  Depending on the spray, it can smell WAY too strong. Some sprays are a little pricy. Some might feel that it is slightly less effective -- but some don't so don't discount it right away!


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