Lazy Witchcraft for the Lazy Witch

Sometimes, as much as we really want to devote more time to witchcraft and spiritual practices, we have a full-time jobs, school, other commitments, and ever-growing lists of chores. “Lazy Witch” might seem like a negative term that place blame on the witch for not making more time to practice, but hear me out!

I personally was stuck to the idea that “real” witchcraft was all long, full-blown, pre-planned, elaborate and memorized rituals. The idea of the “everyday witchcraft” felt overwhelming and exhausting. When am I going to have time for that? And EVERY DAY? How do other witches do it??? If I can't, will another witch think that I am a lesser witch than they are, or not even a witch at all?

Then I realized that I already had practices ingrained into my every day. Making morning coffee, taking a shower, taking a walk. It wasn't what I was doing, but it was how I was doing it. Being able to turn daily mundane activities into magickal practices and learning that it isn't discounted and is still considered “real” witchcraft was when my life really changed.

Don't get me wrong -- I still wish for more time to spend on my practice. I try to do something with a little extra attention on most sabbats and the occasional full moon, but the “lazy witch” lifestyle is what works the best for me for now.

I am embracing being a Lazy Witch, and you can too.

Here are just a few ideas for daily witchcraft that won't take much additional time (if any) in your busy schedule:

Turn morning coffee into a productivity spell:

Bless your coffee and stir it deosil (clockwise) 9 times as you envision your desired results (checking everything off of your to-do list, getting work/homework done quickly so you can take a longer break, or whatever that may mean for you!). Drink your coffee, feel the charge of productivity and get to it!

Kitchen witchcraft:

If you're the kind who likes to cook or bake from scratch, this might be your literal bread and butter. There are so many ways to integrate witchcraft into food, there are even entire books dedicated to it! A few samples: carve sigils into baked goods, select your food and herbs based on their correspondences (and that are safe to consume, of course), and keeping a magickal herb garden for cooking use!

Shower away stress/anxiety:

I do this one a lot. As you shower, visualize the shower water's energy washing away your stress. Breathe deep (just don't, you know, inhale water) and feel the stress actually running off of you with the water. You may choose to enhance this by visualizing the water glowing white, blue, or maybe even rainbow!

Sleep magick:

There are so many witchy things you can do with sleep. Use the moments just before sleep to squeeze in a short, relaxing meditation. Turn evening tea into a sleep spell (just adapt the coffee spell above accordingly!). Enchant your pillow, or create a quick dream satchel to put in your pillowcase. Keep a dream journal and analyze your dreams, divine through your dreams, or practice toward having lucid dreams. Rest up!

These are only a few ideas, but the opportunities are truly endless, so get creative and don't be afraid to be a little lazy!


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