3 Ways You Might Be Cursing Yourself (and what to do about it)

Curses are often a pretty touchy subject in both the witchcraft and non-witch communities. Whether you believe in curses/hexes, or are morally for or against casting them, you may have at least once thought to yourself "Man, I've had so much bad luck lately. Am I cursed or something?" So if you're wondering who you may have crossed that would put a curse on you, you may be surprised to learn that you could be unknowingly cursing yourself! Here are 3 ways you might be cursing yourself without realizing it, and some tips on how you can resolve it.

Unhealthy Foods/Substances/Lifestyle Choices

I'm guilty of midnight binging on potato chips and ice cream. Nobody's perfect. I'm not here to judge or preach a perfect healthy lifestyle. That said, too much bad food or bad substances reflects in our energy, as well as our overall health (and our skin. Ew). Our bodies are vessels for our vibrations and magick. Dehydration or lacking vital vitamins and nutrients could keep your magick from thriving, or even possibly cause it to backfire!

How to fix it: Drink plenty of water, make sure you're eating some healthier, more balanced food options and consider what vitamins or necessary nutrients you could be lacking (for me it's pretty commonly vitamins B, D and iron).


Have you ever focused so hard on the worst case scenario that it happened? When it comes to magick, you often receive what you release. The Law of Attraction is the idea that you attract what you put your focus on. In witchcraft, your intention is everything. If you want joy, health or prosperity, for example, you need to focus on having it, not the struggles that you're facing to get there. Otherwise, you might actually be cursing yourself by manifesting the struggle and not the desired end result!

How to fix it: Start building some confidence in your own magick! I know, I know, it can be difficult. But it's important that you believe in yourself and your own magick in order for it to manifest. When doing any spellwork, always focus on the positive end result of your spells, not the struggles you're currently facing or afraid to face to get there!

Low Vibrations

Your "vibrations" come from your energy, which will vibrate higher or lower based on your mental and physical health. Low vibrations are caused by emotions like fear, sadness, depression, or sickness. Manifesting positive results with low vibrations is definitely possible. Some find that spellwork can actually raise their vibrations! That said, it can sometimes be a struggle, especially if there is too much emotional pull/focus on whatever is keeping your vibrations low (ex: fear, sickness, sadness...). The Law of Attraction could very much be at work here too, causing unintentional cursing to yourself. Many also believe that practicing in low vibrational states puts you at higher risk of exposure to negative energies!

How to fix it: Certain low vibrations can be really difficult to work on improving, but one way to start could be by incorporating some witchy self-care and self-love practices into your regular routine. Try to figure out what is the main source of your low vibes, and from there decide how you can work on fixing it. Of course, if you need to seek additional help (like a doctor or therapist), do so, for the sake of your well-being, energy and magick. And if you're worried about those negative energies I mentioned, just make sure to do a cleansing and protection routine before any major magick-work and you'll be just fine!

I have a whole video about raising your vibrations on my YouTube channel! Watch it here!

Removing Bad Luck/Hex Energy

A few additional things you can do are:

  • Burning a bay leaf and let the smoke waft over you. Bay leaves crackle a bit when burnt. That's normal, just a heads up because it can be a bit startling if you're not ready for it!

3 ways you might be cursing yourself


Negativity/Hex Removal Bath


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