Divination: Scrying

Scrying is the method of divination by gazing into an object or element to see shapes and images to receive messages. The shapes or images can be physically perceived, but are also sometimes received mentally through your third eye or intuition.

There are many different ways to scry. All of them are most effective by gazing with a soft focus, rather than a hard focused glare at one point of the scrying surface. Here are just a few methods and objects used:

Crystal Balls

Most people recognize scrying with a crystal ball. The crystal ball can be made of anything, but it generally needs to have a reflective, polished surface. Clear or dark polished orbs are the best to work with.

Mirrors/Black Scrying Mirrors

Regular mirrors can be used to scry with. With regular mirrors you would not gaze directly at yourself. Instead you gaze into something else through the mirror, such as a flame or a bowl of water. Black scrying mirrors are mirrors that you cannot see a direct reflection in. You can gaze directly into the mirror (you should not see your own reflection). You can gaze at the reflection of a dancing candle flame through it as well.

Water Scrying

Some scrying techniques will use the reflective surface of water, sometimes even gazing at the moon reflecting off of the water's surface. Water isn't the only liquid though, some also scry with wine, juice, tea or coffee!

Fire Scrying

Fire divination is also a form of scrying, usually with a candles. It isn't reflective, but with this method the reader seeks shapes, images or messages by gazing into the movement of the flame of a candle. This can be done with larger fires, like bonfires, but is most commonly done with candle flames.

Just starting divination? Check out Divination: An Introduction for tips on all forms of divination.


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