Why Didn't My Spell Work?

Your spell is complete and your intention has been sent out into the universe, but it didn't work. Why not? And what happens next?


First thing to ask yourself is: have you waited long enough? Most spells won't happen instantly after your spell is complete. I know I too can be super impatient sometimes because you just want it now, but try to take a step back from it and try to really feel out if you need to give it a little more time before you consider what to do next.

How to fix it: Wait a little longer!


Your spell puts out the energy to let the universe know what it is that you want, but that intention often won't give us the results without a little additional effort on our part. Want to make a new connection? You probably won't make one if you hide at home and avoid people. Looking for work? Make sure you're also networking and/or sending resumes for the type of job you're looking for!

How to fix it: If there's a way to put in some effort outside of the spell, do it!

It worked, but not how you wanted

Example: You asked for love but rather than finding a soulmate you got a gift from a family member or a friend reached out to see how you were doing. You received love, just not the kind that you had in mind!

Spells can sometimes manifest in ways that we don't initially see because it isn't what we imagined. It could be a spell "misfire" of sorts, or it could be a sign that what manifested is what we actually need right now rather than the original expectation.

How to fix it: Reflect on other ways your spell may have manifested and consider if it is worth re-working a spell for more specific results or not. And be thankful for any unexpected positive results that you did receive!

The spell wasn't right

I don't mean that you didn't do it right, but that the spell was either:

  • not actually what you wanted

  • not realistic

  • too vague

  • too specific

  • not the right time

  • not the right spell

There is a happy medium in most spell work of asking for something specific but still remaining open to different ways it could manifest! Knowing why you want it and having an idea of a realistic how it can happen will strengthen your spells greatly.

How to fix it: Reflect on questions likes the ones below and consider if the spell needs to be re-worked for different results.

Is it the right time for this spell? (Consider all angles, from phase of the moon to stage of your life)

Is the spell asking for too much?

Do you actually want the results you are seeking?


Spells are fueled by your intention, your energy, and your belief it will work. If you do a spell without believing in it, whether you have doubts about magick itself or doubts about yourself and/or your ability, it can basically cancel out all the energy that you put into doing the spell.

How to fix it:Believe in yourself and believe in your spell!

So... should you re-do the spell?

If you feel that your spell didn't work after you waited long enough, put in effort, you know it's what you want, the right time for it and you feel like you need to do it over, you can re-try the spell.

I personally recommend making some alterations. You may update your intention to be either more or less specific (whichever the case may be) or perhaps more realistic. For example, rather than asking for 1 million dollars, ask for more financial stability. You may also alter the type of spell. For example, you did a candle spell the first time but you could do a bath spell the next time. Or maybe you can turn it into a daily affirmation ritual rather than a spell!

Whether you do or do not choose to re-work your spell, keep an open mind, an eye out for unexpected results, and always be thankful for any results you do receive!

For more Xristi Witch content, check out my YouTube channel!


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