Fire and Smoke Alternatives for Witchcraft

Fire and smoke are recurrent elements used in many kinds of witchcraft, but sometimes due to housing restrictions, hazards or health issues, it isn't always a possibility.

As a witch with asthma, I've had to come up with some alternatives through the years. Here are a few of my solutions to avoid smoke in common practices:

 Incense Alternatives:

Warming oils and scented candles can be used rather than herbs, stick or cone incense.

If using candles, always trim the wick before use! This reduces the smoke and soot (and will make you candle last longer and smell better). To decrease smoke when you're done with the candle, you can dip the wick (using a tool, not your fingers!) into the wax to extinguish it or cover it with a jar or lid to contain the smoke.

Fire Release Alternatives:

Often times in witchcraft things are burned to be released. Rather than burning, you could...

- Write down what you wish to release in chalk and wipe or wash it away

- Use your bath or shower time to rinse away what you wish to release.

- Write what you want to release on a piece of paper and cut or shred it into pieces. You can then either dispose of it normally (in the trash) or bury it somewhere away from your home.

Smoke Cleansing Alternatives:

Many witches use smoke cleansing in their practice, but you can actually cleanse with alternative methods such as with sound or room sprays too! I have a whole post about this! Click here to read it.

When fire or smoke is unavoidable (or you just really want to use it):

- When possible, do it outside.

- Open all the doors and windows. Turn on fans to blow the smoke out.

- Avoid direct inhalation of smoke as much as possible.

Be kind to your lungs, always practice with fire safety, don’t burn your house down, and don’t let something like asthma stop you from being the best witch you can be.


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