Magick for Relieving Stress

Times are tough. Many of us are suffering from stress, whether it's from financial woes, career paths, relationships, or simply just the state of the world today. Thankfully, a little magick can go a long way in alleviating some of it! Here is a list of some spells and other magick for relieving stress:

Candle Magick

Candle magick, to put it simply, is charging a candle with your intention which will be released as your candle burns down. You can dress a spell candle for stress-relief, or you can just carve a sigil or symbol (ex. a smiley face) into a good smelling candle that makes you happy and sit with it for a while. Many people find that just lighting a few candles creates a relaxing setting, so add a little magick to boost the effect!

Magickal Crafts

I'm a crafter. I like to craft when I'm stressed. On one particularly stressful weekend I wound up making several flower crowns and now I have to find ways to integrate them into my life and wardrobe because I have so many. If you find relief in crafting too, try making something for your altar, sacred space or home. Some ideas could be:

  • A pentacle wreath for your wall or door for protection from harm/negative energies

  • A flower crown that relieves stress when you wear it

  • Sew/knit/crochet a tarot bag or altar cloth

  • Paint or draw scenes, environments, deities, symbols, runes, etc. that make you feel safe

  • Create and charge a custom sigil onto coasters to charge your drinks with stress-relieving energy

Set up or Redecorate a Sacred Space

As an artist, I'm a very visual person and find peace in setting up spaces that I feel happy in. Setting up your own Sacred Space or altar, or redecorating one you already have, can be a great way to create an environment with an intentional energy that makes you feel calm. Place some of your favorite things there. Make the space fit both your magickal and non-magickal needs. If you like something aesthetically (specific color schemes, minimalism, organization, or having everything you need easily accessible to you) keep that in mind when creating your space so that you feel the most happy in it!

Bath Rituals

If you're a bath person, this will be your jam. Baths are already known for being relaxing to many people, so filling your bathtub with the right magick will literally wash away your stress. I've written up my personal easy energy bath ritual and negativity/hex removal bath rituals, either of which could used as-is or easily be modified to meet your specific needs!


Meditation is a well-known way to help reduce stress and anxiety. The key to meditation is practice. You can use guided meditations, meditation apps or do it on your own. If you're new to meditation, it may take a little while before you really get the hang of it and reap the full potential. When it comes to magick, meditation is one of the most powerful skills you can have! Once you have a knack for meditation (which can already reduce stress and anxiety) you can practice mindful meditation with magickal intent, where you can focus all of your energy into your magick.

Tea Magick

There are many great teas for stress-relief! Amplify their stress-busting abilities charging your tea with magickal energy. Stir your tea 9 times counterclockwise to send your stress away with this little spell:

"Magick tea melt awayall of my stress for today."

Anti-stress/Anti-anxiety Tea and Herbs:

  • Green Tea

  • Chamomile

  • Lavender

  • Lemon Balm

  • Peppermint

  • Rose

  • Valerian Root

  • Passionflower

  • Ashwagandha

Anti-stress/Anti-anxiety Crystals:

  • Rose Quarts

  • Amethyst

  • Angelite

  • Fluorite

  • Clear Quartz

  • Black Tourmaline


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