What is Mercury Retrograde??

Mercury retrograde. We hear about it all the time but... what actually is it? What does it mean? What does it do? And what do I do about it?

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Apparent Retrograde

Apparent retrograde occurs when based on the speed and orbit of the planet, from earth it creates an optical illusion that looks like the planet is going backwards. All the planets go retrograde. Venus goes retrograde every 18 months for 4-6 weeks, and the others go retrograde for several months at a time.

Why do we only hear about Mercury?

Mercury has a fast, egg shaped orbit that goes into apparent retrograde for three weeks 3-4 times per year. Mercury gets a lot of focus because of its much shorter phases. This one is probably most talked about because of how frequently it happens.

Retroshade: The Shadow Period

Mercury retroshade or the “shadow period” is about two weeks before and after the retrograde. Many find those windows to be worse than the retrograde itself. Think of it like the transitional period. By the time retrograde is upon us, we’re basically adjusted to it.

What happens during retrograde/retroshade?

In astrology, Mercury is the planet of communication, coordination and transportation. Basically, when it looked like it’s going backwards, those things get a little confused. Mercury retrograde warns misunderstandings, issues with travel, technology and things not going to plan.

Sounds scary? Well, it doesn’t have to be. Mercury retrograde can also mean people from your past coming back into your life (for better or for worse). Things not going to plan could wind up in your favor rather than setting you back.

What do I do??

What should you do? Give yourself a little extra travel time. Be careful with any major plans around that time. Be careful with communication, try to make a conscious effort to keep misunderstandings at a minimum. You can wear protective crystals, spell jars, warding amulets, or cast warding spells on your home to reduce the possible effects of retrograde. Most importantly, remember that Mercury isn’t actually moving retrograde. It just looks like it is. It’s literally all about perspective and not letting it overwhelm you too much!


  • Mercury: communication, timing

  • Venus: love, beauty

  • Mars: will, courage

  • Jupiter: influence, abundance

  • Saturn: discipline, organization

  • Uranus: change, community

  • Neptune: intuition, optimism

  • Pluto: transformation, power

What is Mercury Retrograde?


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